Power of the patent
A patent agent is a person who has passed the patent bar administered by the USPTO, whereas, a patent attorney is a person who has passed the patent bar and the state bar in the state in which the person practices law. Both the patent agency, such as InventHelp, and patent attorney are able to file a patent application on your behalf with the USPTO, but the patent attorney may additionally provide you legal advice in relation to issues related to copyrights and trademarks. If you would like to merely file a patent application, then you may be able to accomplish your goals with a patent agent. But most importantly, be comfortable with your decision in retaining either a patent agent or patent attorney.
The bottom line is, no one can promise you that your idea will become a patent, or that it is guaranteed to be patentable.
A good patent agent or attorney can help you present your invention to the patent office for a patent. A patent agent or attorney will also advise you that filing a patent application is no guarantee that the patent office will issue a patent. And that if you are not familiar with what has been patented in your area of expertise that a patent search might be in order as described on https://southfloridareporter.com/how-inventhelp-can-assist-with-new-invention-ideas/.
But being a patent agent or attorney does not make you a marketing person, in general they can’t tell you whether an invention is valuable or help you market it. As an attorney, a patent attorney may be able to help you license the technology or assign the patent, but not promote it. A patent agent is only licensed before the US Patent Office, so he or she can’t help you with licensing.