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Before Developing any Product, Perform a Patent Search

In a nutshell, a patent search helps you not waste your development and investment dollars. The first step in the patenting process is to have a professional patentability search completed to determine if your invention is patentable. For example, a search might reveal pre-existing patents or “prior art” that would prevent you from obtaining a patent on the product in whole or in part.

Without knowing this at the outset, an ill-prepared business or individual, may waste time and resources into developing a product, later to realize that it use an already existing patent or is not capable of patent protection as seen on this post – How to patent a product with InventHelp.

A search can also benefit you by acquiring the knowledge gained before you. Indeed, the patent law system itself was created for the purposes of encouraging creativity and improving on what has come before. In exchange for the inventor making public the information regarding the useful invention, the government provides the owner a limited monopoly whereas he/she can exclude others from making, using and selling the patented invention.

Thus a patent search may actually save time and money by allowing a business to benefit from the teachings of past patents, whereby allowing the business to concentrate instead on its efforts to improve on a current pre-existing technology, instead of re-inventing it.

Lastly, in order to maximize the results of the patent search, the author recommends proper review by a patent attorney who can discern the specific nuances of the search and provide an objective opinion as to the results. For more information please refer to this article – How to patent something with InventHelp.

What Does SEO Stand For?

It’s an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Which leads us to the next question, what in the world is Search Engine Optimization? It’s a technical term for methods to use on your website pages to make it search engine friendly.

Notice I said website pages and not website. That’s a point often over looked by many new website owners. The search engines look at website pages, not the entire website. Each page within your website is scrutinized on it’s information, not the website as a whole.

In order for the search engines to properly understand what content or what your website page is about it uses software programs called bots to come and scan your website. These bots look for information that will help the search engine determine your subject matter. So that when a user of the search engine enters a keyword or phrase, they can display website pages that have that information and subject matter.

So every website owner should want the search engines to know exactly what the nature of their website page is about. Sometimes words or phrases may not be enough to indicate the subject matter since there is some particular aspect of the subject searched on most queries or searches.

Case in point, if I search on the term Red Salmon, there could be many aspects I might be looking for such as recipes, how to catch, nutritional value, etc. So when I get the results, they might be overwhelming in that they cover too much territory. So I search again for Red Salmon recipes, Red Salmon Lures, or Red Salmon with specific results I’m looking for.

On the website side, your website page may be about Red Salmon but you want the search engines to know that you are also about catching Red Salmon. So you want to be listed under the lure search, but not the recipe search. You have to create your website page so that the search engine knows this additional information.

So it’s the website owner’s responsibility to communicate his true subject so that the search engine can list his/her website page under the proper search terms. But, there are a few “gotchas” in this plan. Early on website owners got a little carried away with this keyword or phrase concept and “stuffed” their websites full of keywords. And to make it worse, used keywords that may not apply to the real content of the website pages.

So the search engines got much more sophisticated in their review of the web pages. They added additional capabilities to the criteria like supporting terms (terms that would normally be associated with a particular search keyword or phrase) and links to from like website pages that also were of the same content. The true nature of all aspects used to determine the content is not public, due to the fact that many would once again try to misrepresent or trick the search engines.

On Google alone there are supposedly over 200 different aspects used to determine the true content and value of each website page. MSN and Yahoo also have their set of bots and although different, use many of the same factors. Every little detail is analyzed by the website owners to try and determine exactly how to be correctly served, and any advantage is the Holy Grail of search engine optimization. And it is getting more and more technical everyday, the search engines never sit still, they are always working to improve the value of the search results to the user as explained in these 5 major SEO concepts.

So the game began, the website owners trying to figure out how to provide the information the search engines want, and the search engines keeping the methods they use to determine the value and content secret. Search engine traffic is critical to most websites so that they can reach as many as possible with the message, and sell their products or services, or whatever.

The search engine optimization, or SEO arena began out of this ongoing battle to get better rankings (be listed in search results under the terms you want and as close to the top as possible). The numbers are dramatic, being on the first page can be worth $1000’s and in some cases millions of dollars.

So is SEO important? Well, anytime there’s money involved it’s important. And considering that some search terms might have billions of results, getting highly ranked is tricky these days. Even the smallest advantage is worthwhile. And with over 200 different factors to deal with, it’s never easy.

See Which are the Best Pet Spiders

Spiders are often kept as pets by small children or those who can’t have larger pets. As long as you know that it is not a venomous spider, it is relatively easy and simple to care for this type of pet.

Here are some spiders that make good pets. And here is a link for some really cool and cute spider pet names, your pet spider needs a n cool name afterall.

The Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are very common and their bite is harmless (no more than a bump). They are not very large and only live up to five years, so you aren’t committed to them for life. They are easily fed, liking most insects that are easy to find, such as moths and ants. If you ever can’t care for your wolf spider anymore, they are easily released back into the wild.

The Chilean Rose Tarantula

This is a very popular pet spider. They are hardly venomous at all, and do not cause fatal or even noticeable marks or injuries. They eat small insects such as crickets and are very hairy. They are relatively inexpensive and have a good life span of 10–20 years. They are fun to watch as they crawl up your arm and in their cage as well.

The Texas Brown Tarantula

The Texas Brown tarantula is understandably found in Texas and other parts of the Southwest. It is brown and can eat things such as cockroaches and beetles. They won’t be very aggressive if approached and are easy to handle and pick up. They have a good life span of 10–15 years.

The Grass Spider

Grass spiders are light brown in color and make their nests atop grass. They are harmless for humans, but apparently fascinating to watch when catching prey. They are quick and weave large webs. They are easily found in the outdoors and easy to capture as well. Make sure that you get a large enough container for their larger webs.

There are other types of popular spiders, especially tarantulas. Make sure to talk to a spider specialist if you want to know what type of spider would be right for you.

Dental Implant Dentures

Many people wear dentures to replace missing teeth, whether a few or an entire set. However, if dentures are ill-fitting they can be uncomfortable and may even cause further damage to the gums and jawbone. It is also difficult to chew food properly with loose dentures and there is the risk of food getting under the denture, which may lead to dental problems such as gum disease. Irritations and cuts to the gum often occur if your dentures fit incorrectly and there is an increased risk of bone loss when you wear unfixed dentures.

Dental implant retained dentures

Dental adhesives are often recommended to secure loose dentures, but they can be sticky, messy and often unsuitable for the job. Dental implants on the other hand provide a fixed and permanent base, onto which your dentures can be securely fitted.

Having dental implant surgery is a simple but lengthy process, which is used to replace missing or damaged teeth. The surgery involves your dentist drilling small holes into your jawbone into which they place the dental implants. These implants are then left to fuse with the bone, to form a strong base for your replacement teeth. Dental implants last a great deal longer than other restorative methods such as dentures and bridges, because they not only replace the missing tooth, but also the missing root. The healing time for dental implants is usually 3-6 months, after which your dentures are fitted securely to the abutments and you will usually require six dental implants per arch to secure a denture.

Hybrid dentures coupled with dental implants are stabilized and rooted, removing all of the problems associated with loose dentures. However, they can get damaged as well. Fortunately, there are a lot of dental labs providing hybrid denture repairs. Dental implants also prevent bone degeneration, to maintain the strength and structure of your jaw.

Inventions Of Our Time

Mankind has made giant strides in the last two millennia. The journey from Neanderthal cavemen to walking on the moon has been exciting to say the least. However, any account of mankind would be incomplete if one did not give credit to the various inventions that have greatly aided this phenomenal progress.

Surveys have been carried out time and again on the most valued inventions of our time. If such a survey is done a hundred years from now, the Internet is sure to find a place for its part if making the world a smaller place and for the communication revolution that it is bringing about. However, its true impact as an invention can only be assessed after a few years, when it has become as accessible as perhaps paper is today to most people across the world as you can see from

There have been so many important inventions, that to select the best one would be a difficult task. But that said, time and again these inventions, listed below, have topped the charts!

The printing press: The dissemination of knowledge would have been impossible without the printing press. The printing press was an invention that out into place a technology for the inexpensive, mass production of books. The biggest beneficiary from the printing press was perhaps the scientific community that was able to widely publicize its latest theories, inventions and ideas through cheaply mass produced books. Bless Johann Gutenberg for gifting us this truly miraculous invention. Life without books would be totally unimaginable. Paper incidentally also finds a top place in the most valued inventions. It was invented by the Chinese most likely in AD 105, and without it, the printing press would have been a useless invention!

The steam engine: It pioneered an entire era the Industrial Revolution was carried on the shoulder of steam power. It truly freed mankind, for the first time, from the limitation of animal power. The steam engine was the forerunner to the invention of the railroads, the ocean steamship, mining and the expansion of the European textile industry. True credit for the steam engine goes to James Watt, who in 1765 built compact steam engines that were powerful and cheap for widespread commercial use.

The computer: What the steam engine is to the Industrial Revolution, the digital computer is to the Information Age. In addition to fast and cheap worldwide communication, the computer is also responsible for a number of modern technologies like genetic engineering and perhaps even artificial intelligence. The credit for inventing this wonderful machine is split amongst various claimants such as John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, who first made a computer for the U.S. Army intelligence, Konrad Zuse, John V. Atanasoff, Clifford Berry among others.

Penicillin: Possibly the most important medical invention, this effective, non-toxic, drug is responsible for saving more lives that any other drug in the history of mankind. All credit goes to Alexander Fleming, for serendipitously inventing the drug is 1928, when he accidentally tainted a culture plate in his lab.

The light bulb: And let there be light. No, Thomas Alva Edison didn’t say these words, but he could very well have. We would be living by candle and gaslight if it were for this important invention. Although, technically Edison didn’t really invent the light bulb. He merely improved on the idea of Humphry Davy, an English chemist who invented the first electric light. Edison invented a carbon filament that burned for forty hours. Read more stories about inventions on