Understanding Invention to Patent Services with InventHelp

In the world of innovation and invention, it’s not enough to have a fantastic idea. Protecting that idea is equally paramount, and this is where patenting comes into play. However, navigating through the complex maze of patenting – from idea conception to obtaining a patent – is no small feat. That’s why Invention to Patent Services (ITPS), such as the ones offered by InventHelp, are indispensable resources for inventors.

What is InventHelp?

InventHelp, one of the leading companies in the invention services industry, offers comprehensive, invention to patent service. With more than 30 years in the field, InventHelp has the necessary experience to support inventors through every step of the patent journey.

Services Provided by InventHelp

InventHelp works on a confidentiality agreement, ensuring that inventors can share their ideas without fear of losing their intellectual property rights. The first step entails an in-depth consultation to understand the client’s invention in detail.

Criteria For Patentability

To ensure clients don’t invest their resources in non-patentable ideas, InventHelp conducts a thorough assessment to determine if the invention meets the criteria for patentability, which include novelty, usefulness, and non-obviousness.

Patent Search

Once the invention’s patentability is confirmed, InventHelp conducts a comprehensive patent search. This step identifies pre-existing patents or public disclosures resembling the client’s invention, mitigating the risk of infringement lawsuits arising out of already patented ideas.

Patent Preparation

The next stage involves preparing and submitting a detailed patent application. InventHelp professionals, together with independent patent attorneys, assist clients in meticulously drafting a patent application, detailing specifics about the invention, its purpose, the method of operation, and more.

Patent Prosecution

Following the application submission, InventHelp also assists in the patent prosecution stage, working closely with patent examiners to address any queries or concerns they may have about the application.

Post-Patent Services

InventHelp goes beyond assisting inventors with the patenting process alone. InventHelp invention help company also offers post-patent services, including licensing and marketing. InventHelp helps entrepreneurs find manufacturers for their inventions and negotiate exclusive licenses with them.

Choosing InventHelp for Invention to Patent Services

What sets InventHelp apart are its extensive experience, comprehensive offerings, and commitment to supporting new inventors through the often challenging patenting process. InventHelp checks all the boxes in terms of a reputable ITPS provider, offering client confidentiality, proven track record, specialized expertise, robust network, and transparent pricing.


The services of a reliable invention to patent service provider like InventHelp can make all the difference in an inventor’s journey from idea conception to patent acquisition. By guiding inventors through each step of the patent process, InventHelp ensures that they can focus on their innovations, leaving the complexities of patenting to the experts.