Does Your Dental Clinic Offer Mini Dental Implant?

Oftentimes, we find people smiling with wide jaw open, but unfortunately some teeth are missing. And missing ones should be replaced because it can cause a long term problem and can make other teeth damage as well. In the end, it would cause you a lot of trouble when it happens.

Removable dentures are often used in most cases and dental clinics are used to it. But unknown to some, the procedure has its own problem. It makes eating some foods prohibited, thus giving you no other option but to selectively choose what type of food to eat. Using it for long time may also have problem with the fitting, as your bite and jaw changes as you age. And this means a lot of discomfort on the patient’s side. Instead of benefiting from it, in the end this is not the best solution at all.

Dental implant is considered as the best solution and alternative to solve this dental problem. Though this may be the ultimate solution, the entire procedure is very costly and only few patients can afford it. Plus the fact that it involves surgery which is very much painful during the entire process.

Then the new solution came, mini dental implants. It’s the newest and considered as the best alternative to previous method. It is definitely a good option for those people who cannot afford a dental surgery. Cost is way cheaper compare to the dental implant, reducing it to about a third.

The entire process is way less painful compare to the surgical one. Healing time also is way faster than the implant. The procedure requires placing a small anchor points on the jawbone, in which the anchor points are nearly the size of a toothpick just to hold the false tooth securely.

Titanium is the main element used to be the root of your tooth. It will be fitted with a rubber ring to hold its stand. It also acts as cushion to the gum beneath, giving you less hassle in the end. The rubber placement allows some movement while it is securely fastened underneath. Patients will surely appreciate it more than the removable denture that they have used before if any.

Mini dental implants reduced the cost of the entire procedure compared to the dental implant. The false tooth also is securely fastened to the root, giving you an assurance that it won’t fall any time. This procedure also requires minimal time compared to long hours of dental surgery. While the procedure is fast, the healing process is also fast.

Next time you go to your nearest Singapore dental clinic, such as the dePacific dental clinic one of the best in Singapore, be sure to ask and avail this kind of procedure. It will help you a lot.